Glamouria - Glamouria End of Year Challenge By Hayat Ammouri

Glamouria End of Year Challenge
November 30, 2020
Join our End of Year 2020 Challenge

End of Year Challenge: Finish Healthy & Strong

2020, what a year! Still grateful for health, family, friends, our beautiful earth, and things that we discover mattered the most in our life. 

While this year had a lot of ups and downs, I invite you to finish strong. I saw this challenge online, and it claims that  if we follow it for 30 days, we will be unrecognizable. I personally think it’s worth a try! Here is your new daily to do list: 

  1. Drink 2 liters of water
  2. Cut off Sugar
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables daily
  4. Get under the sun
  5. Meditate for 10 minutes
  6. Sleep at least 8 hours
  7. Exercise 3 times a week (I would say why not do it daily).
  8. Read for 30 minutes every day

In case you need more, I took the liberty to add a few…

  1. Set a limit on your screen time. No excuses.
  2. Eat mindfully
  3. Take care of yourself. Schedule some “me time”, even if only for 30 minutes.
  4. Be Grateful for at least one thing in your life, daily!

Are you ready? What would you add to your list?

What Do You Think?
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