Glamouria - Salma Hayek, Gucci and UNICEF In Lebanon By Hayat Ammouri

Salma Hayek, Gucci and UNICEF In Lebanon
April 29, 2015
Salma Hayek Visits The Syrian Refugee Camp in Lebanon
Salma Hayek: “Help Could be As Simple As An Act of Kindness”
Salma Hayek has proven again and again that she is a very compassionate woman. Although she is a very happy person, She can be very sad sometimes. She can feel people’s pain, and she invites everyone to help. Tragedies exist everywhere, she wants you to help,If it’s there, how can you turn your face?”, and “help is not always about money, it could be as simple as kindness.”
During her stay in Lebanon, Salma Hayek made time to visit a Children Cancer Centre and a Syrian refugee camp where she spent precious moments with children. When she was watching the news, she felt worried for the people who were loosing their country. “This issue is not political or religious, it’s a human issue”, she says. “The people of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan inherited problems from other countries. It’s not the fault of people that they had to flee.

She considers her visit to be helpful not only to Syrians, but also a way to help Lebanese.  Children, despite the terrible horror, have hope in their eyes, and they want to be back to their country and rebuild it: “If we educate them, they have the possibility to become a better neighbour to Lebanon.”
In an interview on Lebanese TV Station LBCI, Salma said: “What’s going on in the world right now has nothing to do with religion. It has more to do with despair. All religions say that in order for you to be close to God, you have to go through them, but I believe you should have a direct relationship with God. God is in every person, in nature, and in space too.
The solution? “We need new political systems, new diplomacy, new debates, new thinkers, new ideas, new Ghandis, and new solutions.
Salma Hayek is the co-founder of Gucci’s Chime For Change, a global campaign to raise funds and awareness for girls and women around the world. Click Here and learn how you could Join the movement and take action to promote education, health and justice.
For more about Salma’s visit with the UNICEF, Click Here 
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